Alexiy Buynitsky


Hey!! I'm Alexiy, a 3rd year at Purdue pursuing a Master's in CS while completing my Bachelor's as a double major in CS and Math at Purdue with an unbreakable caffeine addiction (even full-timers at SpaceX were concerned...).

I love learning anything new and learn best by getting my hands dirty. For me, the best feeling in the world is when something works/clicks after bashing my head against a problem for hours or even days.

In my free time, I love hiking / mountain biking, and finding excuses to visit coffee shops.

me @ Garibaldi Lake

Favorite Quotes

  • "If you are not in pain, you are not learning.", "FAFO", "FIFI" - ppl @ SpaceX
  • "Oooooh yea I don't like this problem. It came off a graduate qualifying exam. I put it on there just to torment people, even I don't know how to do it" - MA 453 Prof
  • "[Insert Algo Question]. Provide a brief but precise explanation" - CS 251/381 exams
  • "[Discussing logs of complex #s]... Unfortunately zero is still F***ed. I don't know how to take log of zero" - MA 425 prof
  • "Next friday you are gonna be tired after midterm so we gonna do some goofing [goofing = deriving RSA]. Enjoy your weekend but not too much." - CS 182 prof

Favorite Coffee Shops

  • Mount Currie Coffee Co in Whistler B.C.
  • Schat's Bakery in Mammoth Lakes
  • Philz Coffee in Sunnyvale

Favorite Hikes

  • Sahale Arm / Cascade Pass in Northern Washington
  • Garibaldi Lake in B.C
  • Lake Ediza - Iceberg Lake - Thousand Island Lake loop in Eastern Sierra

Foreign Languages

  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • a bit of Spanish

Favorite Books

  • The Martian & Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
  • Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory for CS & ML by Gallier & Quaintance

AI Engineering Intern @ Armada AI Remote | Oct 2023 - Present

  • First Intern at Armada AI building Edge AI Applications for remote compute hardware
  • Developing spatially aware CV and LLM robotic control methods by generating synthetic data and finetuning models using SFT and DPO
  • Building VideoQA assistant for realtime video Q&A for security camera footage
  • Build prompting library with support for customizable prompting formats, single / multi-shot prompting from variable datasets, open/closed source LLMs / custom checkpoint

Undegraduate Researcher @ CoRAL Lab Purdue | Aug 2023 - Present

  • Conducting research on robotic learning under the supervision of Professor Ahmed Qureshi
  • Researching Motion Planning in dynamic environments via Active NT Fields and Sign Distance Fields
  • Extended Unitree simulator to support Unitree B1 Quadruped Robot in Gazebo and PyBullet
  • Teaching robots to navigate through Purdue with custom knowledge using LLMs, RAG, and vector databases

Engineering Intern @ SpaceX Redmond | May 2023 - Aug 2023

  • Develop robotic solutions for quicker manufacturing and assembly of Starlink satellites
  • Prototype satellite assembly cells, working with 6-axis robotics arms, CV, actuators, sensors, & safety hardware
  • Achieve 80x speedup between PLC & CV software by developing a TCP-style communication library

TensorFlow Model Developer @ Google x Duality Lab Purdue | Jan 2023 - May 2023

  • Building data pipeline for Maskformer and Mask2former using Google Deeplab2 and Tensorflow
  • Generate, decode, and load TFRecords for panoptic segmentation from COCO dataset with Bash and Python
  • Apply random-cropping and color jitter to images/masks, create project config and data loaders
  • Achieving < 0.01% difference between PyTorch and Tensorflow implementations through differential testing

Rocket League Software Developer @ Autonomous Robotics Club Purdue | Apr 2022 - Dec 2022

  • Refactor sim to better reflect real-world conditions by randomizing physics dynamics, tuning car properties
  • Simulating latency with Rospy and ROS

Signal Processing Intern @ SunScool Sunnyvale | Apr 2022 - Aug 2022

  • Trim, normalize, and denoise voiceovers from 80+ chapters with noise profiles, High and Low Pass filters
  • Adjusted audio volume and determined parameters for audio voice overs with FFmpeg and SOX
ls ~/projects

MS in CS @ Purdue

  • Fall 2024 - Spring 2026

BS in CS, BS in Math @ Purdue

  • Fall 2022 - Spring 2025

Dual Enrolling HS Student @ De Anza College

  • Fall 2021 - Spring 2022

Fall 2024 @ Purdue

  • CS 59200MP - Robot Manipulation
  • CS 57300 - Machine Leaning & Data Mining
  • MA 42500 - Complex Analysis
  • CS 47100 - Artificial Intelligence
  • MA 41600 - Probability

Spring 2024 @ Purdue

  • CS 55800 - Robotic Learning
  • CS 38100 - Analysis of Algorithms
  • CS 25200 - Systems Programming

Fall 2023 @ Purdue

  • MA 45300 - Abstract Algebra
  • PHYS 27200 - Physics E&M
  • CS 25100 - Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CS 25000 - Computer Architecture

Spring 2023 @ Purdue

  • MA 34100 - Real Analysis
  • MA 35301 - Lenear Algebra II
  • CS 18200 - Discrete Math
  • CS 24000 - C Programming

Fall 2022 @ Purdue

  • MA 35100 - Elementary Linear Algebra
  • STAT 35000 - Statistics
  • MA 18000 - Object-Oriented Programming

Winter 2022 @ De Anza

  • MATH 2A - Differential Equations
  • CIS 21JA - x86 Programming and Computer Architecture
  • CIS 41A - Python Programming

Fall 2021 @ De Anza

  • MATH 1D - Multivariable Calculus
  • CIS 22B - Programming Methodologies in C++
  • Chem 1A - General Chemistry
Source code on GitHub thanks to Sagar Patil